We are proudly located in Keaau, HawaiiHST Time zone EST -5 T: 661 609-1717E: SuperK@AirBornCreations.comCut and paste this address into your email and send to us
By EmailEmail is the fastest way to contact us, simply highlight the Email link to the left, Cut and Paste it into your mail client and let us know what you are thinking.By PhoneOur cell service is spotty at times depending on where we are on the Big Island of Hawaii so don’t be surprised if you get the answering machine. Don’t worry, I will return your call at the first opportunity. Do remember that we are on HST which is 2 hours earlier than Pacific Time and 5 hours earlier than Eastern Time zones. Hawaii does not observe daylight savings time shifts.Custom OrdersWhen requesting custom items, I will respond with the information I will need to complete the project including measurements, colors, etc. Custom orders do not usually take any longer than the stock items unless special items need to be procured. In that case, I will give you my best estimate on when you can expect the item to ship. My goal is to get your Custom designed item to you as fast as possible. International OrdersShipping to International destinations will be charged at the International price. I cannot send my merchandise as gifts and local taxes and additional custom or other fees are not included in my invoice price. To save you all a bit on shipping, I use the International First Class package option whenever possible. ALL packages over 4 pounds are sent Priority international due to US Postal regulations.