Who are the Artists? Super K and JoAnn Balloons started this company 7 years ago to provide quality affordable childrens entertainmentWhat are your prices?Our party prices start at $150.00 an hour for single hours, but drop to 250 for two hours. See our Discounts page for more!Do you run specials? Yes, we have special rates for different events at different times of the year. we will list them on the Discount and News pagesWhy should we pick you?We use only FDA approved cosmetic grade paint and equipment and supplies and our staff is required to to take continuing education classes to keep up with trends and new designs. We are international competetors to hone our skills, Our photos speak for our commitment to quality There are cheaper artists-Yes there are and like most areas, you often get what you pay for. We have neither the lowest nor the highest fees in town andwe offer a great product for a moderate praice to make sure you get the best value entertainmentFAQ’sThe who, what, where, what, why, and howIf you have a question for us, drop us a line at SuperK@AirBornCreations.com we’ll be glad toanswer it for you and add it here